Intervju: Nada Surf

Idag kommer det amerikanska indiepopbandet Nada Surf till Göteborg. Vi har pratat med Matthew Caws, som står för sång och gitarr, om kvällens spelning på Pustervik.

Hi, how are you?
– Right now I’m backstage in Berlin, we just soundchecked and we’re going to have dinner soon. I’ve never watched The Toast of London, but I’m watching a supercut of Clem Fandango quotes, very funny stuff about doing voiceovers. I played a french cow in a commercial once, and had funny directions like, “ok, now do obnoxious french” “now seductive french” “now aloof french,” and so on…

How is it to be in Sweden?
– I really love it there. I haven’t been so many times, but i’ve spent a couple of vacations in Sweden. I have some dear friends there. 

Describe your music!
– It’s like chocolate-chip ice cream without a lot of chips, like The Beatles, only less so. It’s like taking a longer walk home because it’s the magic hour and shadows are long. Like autumn!

How’s Sundays gig at Pustervik going to be?
– It’s going to be great because we’re loving this tour. We’ll play all of Let go, take a twenty minute break, and then play a whole other show.

Is it the first time you are playing at Pustervik?
– Actually, I don’t know. We played in Gothenburg once, but it was twenty years ago and I don’t remember the name of the club…

And what do you think about Gothenburg in common? 
– I’ve just been there once, so I don’t know it well at all.. If i have a free morning, what should i do? 

After this gig, are you coming back to Gothenburg soon?
– I live in Cambridge, in England now, so I’m really close, –maybe I should come back soon!