Egyptian Lover

Egyptian Lover, eller Greg Broussard som han egentligen heter, har gjort musik i 30 år men enligt honom själv aldrig besökt Göteborg. I helgen är det dags när denna skivscratchare flyttar in sin old school-elektro i Sovrummet på Yaki-Da där Trunkfunk ordar fest. Vi passade såklart på att fråga ut den 53-åriga legenden.

Hi Greg! How are you?
– I am great. I love living today in these days and times. Bringing my old school style to the new generation.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
– I am a DJ at heart with a very creative mind so I decided to make records. My records were very popular and took off selling more than I could ever imagine. And believe it or not they are still selling.

What kind of music do you do?
– I make music to dance to. Some call it electro, some call it old school, but I just make music to make you move.

”And when they said ”Boom Boom goes the Beat” I was pissed”

You have been doing music för 30 years, how do you maintain the inspiration?
– I  absolutely love what I do and it’s fun showing the new kids how I started. They love the 808 and the way I mix vinyl records.

What in your long career have you been the most proud of?
– Making records that still sell. The song ”Egypt Egypt” is selling today like it is a brand new song. I’m very proud of that.

…and what are you the least proud of?
– I’m least proud of being mad at the people that copied me in the beginning. I understand now that they were just making music but I was kinda mad that they copied my style that I had created mixing Kraftwerk and Prince together. So when I heard all the songs that sounded like me I was Hot! But I’m not anymore because all those artists are doing other kind of music today. One of the songs I was mad at was Surgery by the Wreckin Cru. And when they said ”Boom Boom goes the Beat” I was pissed.

”All you freaks better get ready”

Why do you love Egypt?
– King Tut, Gold, beautiful women, Pyramids, Sphinx, it’s a place unlike any on Earth.

What is your favourite country, except for Egypt?
– This whole planet.

Have you been to Gothenburg before? What do you think about the city?
– I don’t think I’ve ever been to Gothenburg so all you freaks better get ready.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
– Doing a show in Gothenburg with everyone returning and saying ”I saw you 10 years ago” and I love the movies you make.